Churches Together in Orpington
Churches Together in Orpington (CTO) is a collection of churches in Orpington from different denominations, working together for the good of our town. Together we serve our local community by seeking to address the social and spiritual needs of those living in Orpington and beyond.
Working together in unity enables us to achieve more, resulting in a greater blessing for our town. Alongside the practical ministries, we desire to share the good news of Jesus. Through our collective witness, we reflect Christ’s love and proclaim the transformative power of the gospel.
Join us as we journey together, building bridges and making a positive impact on Orpington.
Executive Committee Members
Community Engagement (Publicity)
Community Engagement
Mr. Dave Bell
Mr. Julian Sanders
Ms. Kaego Uba-Machie
Ms. Jaine Ferreira
Mr. John Symonds
Unity Church
Hope Church
Christ Church
Holy Innocents
Hope Church